Tamizh 2.0: 12 Play: Nakkeerar meets Avvaiyar (ஓரங்க நாடகம்: நக்கீரரை சந்தித்த ஔவையார்)

Scene 1
Avvaiyar in her heavenly abode was wondering if her wise words were followed in today’s world, the 21st Century. Just then the heavenly sage Narada came in to visit her, to discuss if Avvaiyar’s Aathichoodi, the single verse with life lessons, needs to be modified to accommodate the world of iPad and soon to emerge Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Narada: Hello Avvaiyar, how are you today?
Avvaiyar: Hmmmm… I am ok
Narada: That doesn’t sound encouraging. Why is there a profound look on your face? What are you deeply thinking about?
Avvaiyar: Yes Narada, I have been wondering if my Aathichoodi is still followed by the people in the 21st Century, in this time and age of smart phones, iPad and AI!
Narada: Wow! That is an amazing coincidence. I was sent by Lord Vishnu to check if we need to make any modifications to your Aathichoodi, to suit the needs of this century. Let us see where this quest of ours’ will take us.

Right at that time, Nakkeerar floated by Avvaiyar’s abode. He seemed to be very furious and was cursing someone or something. Narada and Avvaiyar saw this, and…

Avvaiyar: Pulavar Nakkeerar, what happened? You are so furious. Have your forgotten my principle on anger – One should control Anger? ஆறுவது சினம்
Nakkeerar: I remember that Avvai, but the world today is a topsy-turvy. No body follows any rules, principles. Everyone is selfish and is willing to commit any crime. Humanity is dead as no body has the desire to do any good deed – அறம் செய விரும்பு. As I always say, no matter who it is, if anyone commits a crime (in language, words or deeds), we should punish one and all. They don’t deserve to live.
Avvaiyar: Calm down Nakkeerar! Please don’t use hurting words – சுளிக்கச் சொல்லேல்
Narada: Another coincidence today. Avvai and Nakkeerar let me swirl the globe to see where we will land today to get clarifications to all your questions. I am sure we will be able to find answers to your concerns. Please don’t lose hope – ஊக்கமது கைவிடேல். I’m sure we will eliminate ignorance – பேதைமை அகற்று.
Avvaiyar: Yes Narada, how much ever we think we are learned, there is always room for opportunity to improve oneself – கற்றது கைமண் அளவு, கல்லாதது உலகளவு.

Narada swirled the google globe that he carried in his iPad. It landed in Canada, to be more specific, Parliament Hill, Ottawa.

Scene 2
Narada quickly googled in his iPad, to get the vital stats for this country called Canada.

Narada: This country looks very interesting. This is the land of immigrants and google tells me that there are a number of Tamil speaking population. About 150,000 of them and they are now a visible minority in this country!
Avvaiyar: (very calmly) that is an impressive number!
Narada: Not only that. The Prime Minister of this country, Justin Trudeau announced the month of January as “Tamil Heritage Month”
Nakkeerar: That sounds even better! Long live my Tamizh, the oldest living language!
Narada: Let us get into their parliament to see what is happening. We might get evidence to see if we need to modify Avvai’s Aathichoodi.

And they entered the Parliament. Being the heavenly beings they are, of course they were all invisible. The topic of discussion at that time was the NAFTA agreement between Canada, US and Mexico. The president of the US, Trump wants to pull out. One of the ministers says Canada should severe all ties with the US and actually strengthen the armed forces of Canada, so that Canada can be on their own and fight back, if situation warrants.

Nakkeerar: Wow! That is the spirit. No matter who it is, squash the other country that is on the wrong. You should not allow any wrong to be done. People that are wrong should not be allowed to live.
Avvaiyar: Nakkeerar, please calm and do not forget righteousness – சீர்மை மறவேல் and do not speak abusive language நொய்ய உரையேல்
Narada: Oh! Listen to what that young leader has to say…
Avvaiyar: I’m pleased that there are a few that is following my principles – it is just a small world. Look at the way this charming young man is controlling the situation. The clarity with which he is speaking following what I have advised, Utter words with great clarity – மொழிவது அற மொழி. And he is so right to say, Do not deal with aggressive and stubborn people – மூர்க்கரோடு இணங்கேல்

Avvaiyar was awestruck. So was Nakkeerar. The topic in the parliament then moved to the recent gun violence in the neighbouring US and how there are no proper regulations there for owning a weapon. Once again it was very calmly handled in the parliament and it was decided that Canada would go over its policies and procedures on the Gun Licenses or for that matter, any weapon.

Nakkeerar: If the US is having problem with their Gun culture, why should Canada or Justin worry? It doesn’t make any sense.
Avvaiyar: Of course it does, Nakkeerar. Canada wants to Progress for a peaceful life – வீடு பெற நில். And they want to lead their life with exceptionally good qualities – உத்தமனாய் இரு
Nakkeerar: Avvai, you seem to see your Aathichoodi splattered everywhere and in everything you see.
Narada: Yes Avvai, looks like your Aathichoodi is still very valid, in the year 2018. In fact looks like it is followed in an alien country too, far away, miles apart from where it originated.
Avvaiyar: True Narada and Pulavar Nakkeerar. However, I did not see anything in my Tamizh in this country. Narada, I believe you said that there is a huge Tamil population in this country.
Narada: Give me a minute Avvai. Let me see what is available in my iPad.

Narada logged on to his Facebook account to see if he could get anything in Tamizh in Canada, for Avvaiyar. “Vancouver Tamil World” was he first hit with over 2000 members. He quickly sent in a request to become a member. Lo and behold, Narada’s request was accepted by one of the wonderful admins of VTW.

Scene 3
When Narada entered VTW

Narada: Avvai! Avvai, come here! Come here!
Avvaiyar: What happened? You are acting like a kid, so excited
Nakkeerar: Narada, remember Avvai’s words, Tell exactly what you saw – கண்டொன்று சொல்லேல்
Narada: Sure, I will speak clearly with no mistakes – பிழைபடச் சொல்லேல். This is certainly a group that is following the principles of Avvaiyar. I am surprised by the good things they have done in the recent past.
Avvaiyar: Narada, show me what is there in Tamizh first.
Narada: Wow! Tamizh 2.0 is a contest that is going on now. There are many wonderful writers that show case their talents to the wonderful judge, Mr Rathanaswami! He has inspired people that cannot write in Tamizh to write about Tamizh in the language they are comfortable with. Surprisingly, people are listening to his words of wisdom – மேன்மக்கள் சொல் கேள்
Nakkeerar: Aha! That would spread the pride of MY Tamizh into other communities too.
Avvaiyar: And allow people to live with a sense of unity amongst them – ஊருடன் கூடி வாழ்
Nakkeerar: And they are striving to eliminate ignorance – பேதைமை அகற்று, by conducting and encouraging a number of activities.
Narada: They are currently having a display of various arts. What a great way to spread and share knowledge – கைவினை கரவேல்
Avvaiyar: They are also good with charity (தானமது விரும்பு), just as the country they are living in – and does not stop charity (ஈவது விலக்கேல்). They collected funds to help the poor girl who met with an accident and died in their adopted country.
Narada: I feel ecstatic to see that they are always ready to help each other இயல்வது கரவேல்.
Nakkeerar: It is really overwhelming to learn about this group. And they just don’t stop learning from each other – எண் எழுத்து இகழேல், ஓதுவது ஒழியேல்.
Avvaiyar: I am so happy that we stumbled upon this group today. What a wonderful group that lives by the rules of their adopted country (சக்கர நெறி நில்; நாடு ஒப்பன செய்). Though they have adopted their new country – தேசத்தோடு ஒட்டி வாழ், they have not forgotten the past antiquities (தொன்மை மறவேல்). God bless these people with more prosperity and happiness!
Narada: Avvai, Are you also happy that, your Aathichoodi doesn’t require any updates?
Avvaiyar: Of course yes. Pulavar Nakkeerar, do you see that the world is not that bad and that there are good people everywhere, restoring Humanity time and again?
Nakkeerar: Yes Avvai, I do agree that there are many people here in this earth, who speak nicely – ஞயம்பட உரை, seeking help from great and wise people – பெரியாரைத் துணைக் கொள்

Scene 4
In this happy moment, Narada noticed that Avvaiyar‘s face was sad. He saw that her eyebrows raised and there were the lines of concern on her forehead.

Narada: I see lines of concern in your face. What happened Avvai?
Nakkeerar: Yes Avvai, looks like you are worried about something, when you should be happy. May we know what is bothering you?
Avvaiyar: You both picked it right. Narada, you brought us to this wonderful country called Canada, where we were given the glimpse of how our Tamizh is preserved, culture is revered and my Aathichoodi has found relevance. Though the second generation kids are having difficulty In reading and writing Tamizh, certainly all efforts are made to ensure that they all understand and speak Tamizh. This certainly has given me the comfort that my Tamizh will live for another few thousands of years. However, I was wondering about the situation in Tamil Nadu, the birthplace of this language and the literature!
Narada: Is that it Avvai? Why don’t we travel there and find it out for ourselves. Nakkeerar, do you want to join us?
Nakkeerar: Sure, why not?
Narada: Are you all ready?

And Narada swirled the google globe that he carried, in his iPad…

The End