Tamizh 3.0: 5 திரை மாந்தர்கள் – Paper People

For this weeks topic I see that most people have written about people in the film industry to justify திரை மாந்தர் (thirai mandhar – people from screen). However, in the explanation from Rathnaswami uncle it mentioned about ripping open the mask that some people cover themselves with. In other words, bring to light the true face of these திரை மாந்தர் by removing that facade. And this is my take on this topic – about the flaky people that live amongst us.

Here is a short skit on the superficial people with a mask that we come across on a day-to-day basis. I’m sure everyone has come across this kind of a situation in ones lifetime.

Scene 1
Conversation between myself, and an acquaintance, Sam
Sam: the new van that I have ordered is just amazing. You should drive it one day.
Me: Oh, that’s wonderful! Congratulations! How are things going on with you?
Sam: it’s great. Those guys at my work are a bunch of idiots. They just seem to lack everything. I’m having to be at the forefront and drive everything at work…….

Scene 2
During the break-time in a public event

Myself and a friend, Vicky are talking
Me: Vicky did you notice that this event actually started almost on time, unlike all our community events.
Vicky: Oh yes. And the break is also right in time for us to have some snacks and get the fuel in. How are you liking the program?
Me: it’s pretty good. I loved the way the instruments were handled for this song…

While we were in the middle of our conversation, Sam joins in
Sam: Hi Vicky! How are you?
Vicky: I’m good. How are you?
Sam: I actually wanted to talk to you about this product. Would you be able to buy it for me? I know you have some discount there, in that shop.
Vicky: sure. I can certainly help you with that.
Sam: oh. Ok. Thanks. See you.
Sam leaves without speaking a word to me, apologizing for the interrupting my conversation or even acknowledging my existence there, when it was Sam that interrupted my conversation with Vicky.

Scene 3
After the event, that night, I’m at home and browsing Facebook. A message in messenger pops up from Sam.
Sam: Hi there! How are you?
Me: I’m fine
Sam: I couldn’t meet you at all today
Me: (thinking to myself, but I was right there when you got your stuff done with Vicky) Ah ha..
Sam: You said someone was coming from India through them, can you get me this thing…
Me: Let me see what I can do and get back to you
Sam: okay bye.

I am sure you all have come across these opportunistic, pretentious people. These are the fake, paper people that live amongst us and we have to unfortunately navigate through them. The best we can do is identity them, avoid and move on.

Here is a poem that I had written recently, on these phony people for whom I coined the term ‘paper people’. Enjoy Paper People.

Paper People!
Smiles from lips and words from mouth,
All too flaky, for nothing’s from the heart;
The alluring exterior, all too pompous
For into that society, we have now grown!

Eyes, to see what it wants to see and when;
Boneless tongue to lash the wrath on;
Less fortunate, to be shunned and ridiculed
Even the poor kids not spared, what a misfortune!

I, Me, Myself are the only key essentials
What other feel, never in the reckoning;
It doesn’t matter, as I am not the one, hurt
This is the reality, the absolute truth!

These empty souls with fake smiles, bogus words
For nothings genuine and nothings real in them
Ready to engulf; into an abysmal nothingness
With no real existence, these Paper People!

However, all’s not lost, in this wretched world.
There still are those with compassion, a helping hand,
Offering to help all those people in need, with
No expectations of return, financial or otherwise!

Treating humans first as humans, all with love,
Respect and smile, is always in abundance;
With no barriers – clothes they wear or their
Jewelry and cars; their position, nor possession!

Materials can be gone in a fleeting moment,
For we cometh with nothing and take nothing
Into our graves – and between these Nothingness
We fill with chattels, and claim it all ours’!

The good Samaritans, will continue with good deeds
With no care of barriers; my hopes and prayers for these
Rare breed to spread and grow; fill in for eternity; raising
Humans with humanity, weaving through the Paper People!


Tamizh 3.0: 3 திருக்குறளின் தாக்கம்! Impacts of Thirukkural!

What is Thirukkural?
Thirukkural is a collection of couplets on Ethics, Politics / Wealth and Love, composed by Thiruvalluvar. There is no clear evidence of when Thiruvalluvar lives or when this work was presented – it is believed to be anywhere between 300 BC and 6th century AD.

Thiru means the One who is Omniscient and Kural means Words – Words of the Omniscient. We can see that there is no reference to any religion in this work. Hence, it belongs to all mankind. It is a set of common rules that a man/woman has to follow to live a splendid life, in the path of righteousness.

This book is structured into 133 chapters, each containing 10 couplets (or kurals), for a total of 1,330 couplets. All the 133 chapters have an ethical theme and are grouped into three parts, or “books”

Book I – Aṟam (அறம்): Book of Virtue, dealing with moral values of an individual (Chapters 1-38)

Book II – Poruḷ (பொருள்): Book of Polity, dealing with socio-economic values, polity, society and administration (Chapters 39-108)

Book III – Inbam (இன்பம்): Book of Love (Kama), dealing with psychological values and love (Chapters 109-133)

The book on aṟam (virtue) contains 380 verses, that of poruḷ (wealth), has 700 and that of inbam or kāmam (love) has 250. Each kural or couplet contains exactly seven words, known as cirs, with four cirs on the first line and three on the second.

One of the many Kurals that has had a huge impact on me is

Kural 183
புறங்கூறிப் பொய்த்துயிர் வாழ்தலின் சாதல்
அறங்கூற்றும் ஆக்கத் தரும்

This kural, hits the nail right on the forehead – it means, it is better to die than talk bad about a person when they are not present and talk pleasantly in their presence. Through this Kural, Valluvar is asking everyone to be truthful not just to everyone around, but also to oneself.

This kural also reminds me of the triple filter test that I heard of a long time ago that Socrates used while talking / gossiping about people
Is the information shared TRUE?
Is this information something GOOD or KIND?
Is this information USEFUL or NECESSARY?

If the answer is NO to any of these questions, why to proceed?

Valluvar asks everyone to introspect, and talk about those things that are useful for oneself and the society, many many years prior to this triple filter test. If only we all follow these words of wisdom.

Thirukkural cannot be caged – it is not for just one sect of the populace. Its principles are for everyone – man, woman, kids, saint, kings, politicians – everyone on this earth. Impacts of Thirukkural cannot be condensed in a few pages. Each couplet has a profound meaning, all in seven words. The more you read, understand and follow in your day-to-day life, the more you would enjoy.

I pray, that everyone follows the path of riotousness as prescribed by Valluvar for a peaceful world.

Here is a collation of a few of the impacts of Thirukkural in my life…

திருக்குறளின் தாக்கம்! #1
Impacts of Thirukkural! #1
Kural 1
அகர முதல எழுத்தெல்லாம் ஆதி
பகவன் முதற்றே உலகு

When I think about திருக்குறள், this is the kural that always comes to my mind as that is the logo and theme of Kavithalayaa Films of இயக்குனர் சிகரம், Sri. Balachander. This is the banner that has brought us a number of beautiful, forward thinking movies. And, for me, it brings in a lot of beautiful childhood memories – the times we have been to various movies in beautiful Vellore.

The times we used to rent a VCR for a couple of days and a number of movies at the same time to enjoy; how we had our neighbours join us to watch the movies and how mom had to prepare food for everyone. It was those innocent, simple and beautiful days when people were not immersed about themselves and actually were ready to help each other and had time for one another. Those times when technology had not invaded our homes, and kids were allowed to be kids.

Those beautiful days…

திருக்குறளின் தாக்கம்! #2
Impacts of Thirukkural! #2
Kural 411
செல்வத்துட் செல்வஞ் செவிச்செல்வ மச்செல்வம்
செல்வத்து ளெல்லாந் தலை.

This weeks’ topic has certainly kindled some memories of the long post past. I fondly remember my Tamizh Teacher in grade 9&10, Mr. Srinivasan. Though he is no more, I still remember his classes.

This above kural is one of the many that he would repeatedly remind us – an unruly class of teens. He insisted that we used this gift of listening. The meaning of this kural is – of all the wealth / gift that one can attain in this world ‘ear’ (listening) is the best.

Though it seemed to fall into deaf ears those days, that kural has always stayed with me. Over the years, when the meaning of the kural got ingrained in my head, the impact was even powerful.

Certainly the ability to listen is the supreme gift one can posses as that can solve many problems in our lives. If we listen, we can understand better; we we can sense better and thereby act more appropriately.

If people listen to one another they would not be talking at or over each other. Eternal peace and tranquility would prevail in this world.

திருக்குறளின் தாக்கம்! #3
Impacts of Thirukkural! #3
Kural 788
உடுக்கை இழந்தவன் கைபோல ஆங்கே
இடுக்கண் களைவதாம் நட்பு.

A friend in need is a friend indeed – is an English proverb / phrase that has come into existence since 11th Century. However, our Valluvar has mentioned this centuries before Christ.

Many people come into our lives each day. Just as a train journey (our life), each person enters in a station and leaves when they reach their destination. No one is there forever. Most of them have their own agenda when they extend their friendship. Once in a long while though, we do get to meet good friends, that truly live the words of Valluvar. Don’t miss out on such friendships.

One need not talk to these amazing friends on a daily basis; there is an automatic sync with them and you know that they are there for you as a solid rock, to hold you when you need them the most – financially or otherwise.

If only everyone, lived by these wonderful words of wisdom, wherein they treat everyone as a great friend and run to help each other, there would be no more animosity and hatred amongst people – in a community, state, country or even the world. Only love and peace would reign!

Hope we all would get to live in that peaceful world, one day!

திருக்குறளின் தாக்கம்! #4
Impacts of Thirukkural! #4
Kural 592
உள்ளம் உடைமை உடைமை பொருளுடைமை
நில்லாது நீங்கி விடும்.

Passion and zeal is the most valuable possession that one can have for any other wealth / material possession is transient and will be lost one day. This is a kural that I love to repeat to myself particularly on those days when things are not going the happy path.

This kural certainly provides the motivation to lift up the sprit and not lose hope during challenging times. During the initial days in Canada while struggling to set foot in this unknown land and culture, this kural gave me the strength to face all hurdles.

Even today, when any challenge knocks my door, this kural reminds me that like a Phoenix I can return from the ashes, as long as I have the passion and zeal to win.

On this fourth day, I would remind everyone that there is a Phoenix hidden in each one of us. All we have to do is to hold on to our passion and follow our hearts, just as what Valluvar has said.

திருக்குறளின் தாக்கம்! #5
Impacts of Thirukkural! #5
Kural 314
இன்னாசெய் தாரை யொறுத்த லவர்நாண
நட்னயஞ் செய்து விடல்

Thinking of the kural where Valluvar says the way to punish someone that has harmed us is to keep doing good to them and thereby shaming them. Many a times I had wondered if this kural holds good in today’s world, in 21st century where most of the people are very selfish and would do anything to attain their goals.

When this kural is looked at deeply, one can understand its validity in this century. Here is my interpretation. When is it that we get offended and feel bad when someone burners us – it is when we have expectations. Valluvar also implies that you do good and forget both the harm done by the person and the good you have done. In other words bear no expectations which is the root cause for our misery. So, keep doing good with no expectations- either good or bad.

Good deeds are certainly like boomerang – it will find its way back to us in some form. There will always be someone to lend a helping hand when we are in need. I love the ‘pay it forward’ motion in some cages in some European countries, wherein you can pay for someone’s drink in advance.

Valluvar was right. One needs to keep doing their part with no expectations. If only everyone, followed this kural and kept doing only good deeds, this world would be another Garden of Eden, with everything in surplus!

திருக்குறளின் தாக்கம்! #6

Impacts of Thirukkural! #6
Kural 20
நீர்இன்று அமையாது உலகெனில் யார்யார்க்கும்
வான்இன்று அமையாது ஒழுக்கு

In the second chapter of Thirukkural, Valluvar very clearly describes the importance of rain and water for mankind. It is now scientifically proven that man can live without food for about 3 weeks but only 3 days without water. It is a wonder that he already knew this fact. Also, it is very surprising to know that Valluvar already knew about evaporation and condensation (kural 17).

Valluvar, in the kural quoted above, aptly says rain and water is so important that when righteousness and good deeds vanish when there is no water. People fight and even kill one another in those areas where there is scarcity of potable water. People fight for drops of water. I remember those Vellore days when there was water scarcity during the summers and we had to wait for the government to release potable water. Water was released during the wee hours every two to three days and everyone used to be awake to fill their homes with enough water to survive the next couple of days. Have seen a number of fights when the water tanker came in with the supply of water.

Luckily we live in a country where there is abundance of rain and water. However, if we do not take care of this precious liquid and allow for climate change to happen, we will one day have scarcity in this land of abundance. Hope and prayers that this adopted motherland of our’ is always filled with the richness of rain and water!


The Losing Game – Part 3

Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist. The following account is my journey of weight loss. It is not necessary that this should work for everyone. Please consult your medical professional / nutritionist for specifics regarding what diet would suit you.

Thus came along Jan 20. After a carefully rationalized lunch at Saravanaa and the last minute shopping of chocolates to be delivered to my teams in Colombo and Hyderabad I was back home, to pack for this 2.5 week trip.

After supper, I was ready to leave to the airport. My mind was a smorgasbord of questions on how I was going to manage my weight. I was an Endomorph, waiting to add kilos. I had to conquer this trip, absolutely by conditioning my brain and thereby my body.

As a part of my diet plan, one thing was clear – I had to burn more calories than what I consumed to ensure I lost weight. If there was no opportunity to burn calories, I had to reduce the calories consumed, without compromising on the minimum calories required for a person to be healthy. Also, I had to ensure that my diet was balanced – 25% Carbs, 40% Protein and 35% good Fat.

I had started analyzing the calories in each of the common food items that I consumed, particularly, the East Indian plethora of food. For example 1 normal sized homemade idly packed 40 calories; 1 normal sized homemade dosa had 35 calories; 1 small roti 25 calories. A cup of rice (4 spoonful) had 220 calories; a small bowl of daal 170 calories; 1 large egg white 17 calories; I cup of yogurt 200 calories; 1 aappam 45 calories; vada and poori was a big no-no.

This knowledge of calories had to be combined with how much protein and good fat was in the food for carbohydrates alone did not have any nutritional value.

With this basic information, while in the flight I started charting out a plan for the weeks outside home. Of course, in the flight I had no option but to eat what was served. I ate the fruits, small portion of rice and daal. I avoided the desert. I had to spend 13 hours at the HK airport as a layover before I could board the flight to Colombo. In the lounge, where all food was free, I selected the steamed vegetables and bread made out of whole wheat or multi-grains. I did not have any juices as none of them were fresh and were loaded with sugar.

In Colombo, I had the buffet option for breakfast. I carefully selected my meal – 1 dosa (small), 1 aappam, 1 cup of fresh juice (pineapple, cucumber & carrot with no additional sugar) and 1 small cup of yogurt with nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts and coconut). This was a real sumptuous breakfast that kept me full for a long time that my intake during lunch was controlled. I continued with the same every morning while in Colombo.

The lunch was served at our meeting site. Again, I chose 4 spoons of red rice, with daal gravy and the vegetables in the menu. Dinner was Roti with vegetables or 3 spoons of rice with vegetables. Of course there were a couple of burger dinners with colleagues. You would notice that I tried to balance it all out – have fun in the company of people while ensuring I eat right.

As I had forgotten to pack my swimming trunks in my baggage, I missed out on swimming. Though I didn’t swim, I had no regrets, as I was always worrying about the quality of the water in those pools (no matter even if I were staying in Cinnamon Grand, one of the best hotels in Colombo). And while swimming, I would invariably ingest a few gulps.

Ergo, my exercise in Colombo was the walk along the sea wall, enjoying the sound of the waves hitting the shore, the street vendors selling fish, cotton candy and various snacks. And, the view of the Chinese company that was defining a new coast line, by reclaiming the land from the sea on one side and the tall buildings that housed the various multinational chain hotels – Shangri La, Hilton, etc.

In Hyderabad, though I had the opportunity to get egg whites, I did not try raw egg white, as I didn’t want to be sick. In fact I was not having raw vegetables during the entire trip, as that was one of the main reasons for having Delhi Belly.

Hyderabad was more difficult when it came to diet, for there was so much rich food available there. Even though the quantity was rationalized, each morsel was loaded with calories. And there was sugar freely available. To balance it, I ensured that I walked my 10000 steps each day. And, took the opportunity to hike a nearby hill, in Hyderabad.

My breakfast usually consisted of Dosa / Idly. The lunch constituted of 4 spoonful of rice with lots of lentil gravy and veggies. Dinner was stuffed paratha – I avoided naan and paratha stuffed with potato.

In general, I did not lose out on any good food, and actually enjoyed my regime. It certainly was not very difficult, particularly being a vegetarian and travelling. Finally, when the trip done and I returned to Vancouver, I had gained only 1 kg in 3 weeks. Not bad at all.

My main learning in this trip were

  • Everyone has to be aware of one’s body needs and while on a weight loss program ensure that they are not starving. Starving is an open invitation to add more fat in unwanted places of your body. When you starve, you body thinks you are not going to get food and would trigger the conservation mode. I’m sure you would have all guessed where this conservation was going to show up; yes, the belly and the back first.
  • You can be in a diet and certainly need not kill yourself. You can still enjoy the simple pleasures of life – some great food.
  • As the saying goes “anything in excess is poison”, it is all in the quantity. Eat in right proportion and never stuff yourself.
  • Keep a routine and have food at the right time. Though I had to work the night shift with my team during the travel, I ensured that I was not eating snacks throughout the night. My dinner was usually done by 8:30 pm and I avoided eating anything after that. To energize myself, I had tea. The stomach does need some rest during the night.
  • The one thing that went for a toss was the 7 hours of sleep – I was not able get the 7 hours even if I was willing to spilt it.

When I returned on Feb 5th and weighed myself, I was down by 3 kg from the starting point – 86.5 to 83.5 kg. I had 7 more weeks before when I had to lose another 7 kg to be able to win the challenge, with M. Yes, certainly an uphill daunting task.

The very fact that I was able to manage travelling and actually gain only 1 kg during that time, gave me the confidence that I can do it. I had to be stricter in my regime. I cannot yield to temptations and my diet can do it.

So, what is this diet called?

to continue…

The Losing Game – Part 1

The Losing Game – Part 2

The Losing Game – Part 2

Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist. The following account is my journey of weight loss. It is not necessary that this should work for everyone. Please consult your medical professional / nutritionist for specifics regarding what diet would suit you.

More than the concern of a weight gain, my worry had always been about the challenge. M had said that beginning of April, whether I win or lose, it would be published in our fitness page in Facebook, for public to view. Calling out publicly would be my worst nightmare. Of course if I win, M would also sponsor a dinner.

I was in frenzy because, the weekend of Jan 12, we had gone to visit my cousin in Seattle. Just 1.5 days with them and the rich Indian food that I ate (though I was very careful about the quantity), gained me 1.5 kg, which was not expected in this Losing Game. So, I was aware that I would put on weight, very easily. How was I going to manage the weight increase, particularly when I am touring Colombo and Hyderabad, working the Canadian hours and with few hours of sleep?

As a part of the diet for the weight loss plan, it was suggested that 2 egg whites a day for breakfast would balance the protein requirement, and also would keep the appetite low. But, how was I going to consume egg whites for I don’t eat eggs at all (except in store bought pastries).

I wanted to give egg whites a try, as I wanted to lose this 1.5 kg gain, before I started my trip. I bought the Burnbrae brand “Simply Egg Whites”. Though I searched for the various ways in which I could consume egg whites, I was not convinced about the smell once cooked and if I would be able to eat it at all. The only method that sounded convincing was to mix it raw in a cup of hot milk with 2 teaspoons of honey and drinking it.

The first day (Monday) that I decided to try it out was horrendous. I measured a cup of milk and boiled it with 2 teaspoons of liquid honey. In a cup I poured a quarter cup of egg white and kept it ready. When the milk was lukewarm, I poured it into the egg white. I felt as if I could smell the egg cooking. Closing my eyes and covering my nose, I started pouring the egg white milk directly into my throat.

I did it! And lo and behold, I was not feeling any hunger pangs until 3 pm. Amazing! I was now motivated to try egg white again the next morning.

I had a light lunch and very light supper at about 6:30 pm, followed by 45 minutes of swimming, just as what I had been doing since Jan 2. The next morning when I weighed myself, I saw a reduction of almost 500 grams. That was something that I did not expect. Now, I was convinced to continue with egg white.

The second day, with new enthusiasm and motivation, I did not have difficulty drinking the milk with egg white. I realized that there was absolutely no smell for egg white. The lunch and supper was similar to the previous day and there was another 300 grams lost. This trend continued until that weekend, culminating on Jan 20 when my nightmare began.

Let us now try to understand as to what happened that I gained 1.5 kg, so easily over a day and a half, when I was losing in hundreds of grams, after careful diet and diligent exercise each day.

While talking about weight loss or the desire to lose weight, we need to understand that there are three kinds of body types. We all need to be aware of our body type to be able to gauge what would suit us.

The three body types are Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph. Though we all have a tendency towards being in one of the three types due to our genetic makeup, our lifestyle also plays a part in how our body will look. Therefore, we can definitely change it over time, if we are determined.

An ectomorph tends to be thin and struggles to gain weight as either body fat or muscle. They can eat loads of food and still stay looking the same, even when gaining muscular weight is their primary goal. They appear skinny and underweight and have a relatively faster metabolism, making addition of fat or muscle very difficult. They are often called hard gainers. They preferentially burn carbohydrates and fats for fuel. Ectomorphs should eat relatively high-carbohydrate diets. Their optimal daily calorie intake should be more than 50% percent carbohydrates, and an almost equal percent of protein and fat.

Narrow hips and clavicles
Small joints (wrist/ankles)
Thin build
Stringy muscle bellies
Long limbs

The mesomorphs are the ideal ones that has the middle-of-the-road build taking the best of both worlds. They have a natural tendency to be fit and muscular. They can easily get back into shape, than the other two types. They appear muscular and athletic and have efficient metabolism. They burn carbohydrates and fats, with a preference for carbohydrates than fatty acids. Mesomorphs should eat a diet predominantly consisting of proteins and fats and less than 50% of carbohydrates.

Wide clavicles
Narrow waist
Thinner joints
Long and round muscle bellies

The endomorphs, unfortunately, has got the raw end of the stick. They tend to gain weight easily and keep it on. They have good strength, little to no stamina, and average endurance. They may have more muscle than either of the other body types, but they often struggle to gain it without significant amounts of accompanying body fat. They appear to be be overweight and mostly fat, and suffer from water retention issues, couples with a very slow metabolism. They just tend to store carbohydrates and fats. With everything going against them, Endomorphs should minimize empty calorie intake. Their optimal daily calorie intake should be one-quarter of carbohydrates and the rest, protein and good fat.

Thick rib cage
Wide/thicker joints
Hips as wide (or wider) than clavicles
Shorter limbs

As a reference point, South Asians, genetically, tend to be mostly Endomorphs, and I was not an anomaly. Being an Endomorph, myself, I tend to gain weight easily and retain it. No wonder I gained 1.5 kg over the weekend.

And came Jan 21, my hurdle and nightmare, thinking about the horrors of what would happen if I lose this Losing Game! For I was sure, M would certainly publish the results publicly.

to continue…

PC: www.bodybuilding.com

The Losing Game – Part 1

The Losing Game – Part 1

2018 had been one of those rare years where I attempted numerous things and actually got hooked on to hiking, much to my surprise. We had done a few hikes as a group through a community group and also individually with a group of friends that included my buddy M.

My passion for hiking increased to such feverish heights that, when M asked me if I would be interested in doing the West Coast Trail (WCT), an 80 km hike in the rugged terrain of Vancouver Island, without batting my eyelid, I said yes.

Maybe, M thought I was just fibbing and was not serious about this strenuous hike. Nevertheless, I started collecting information about this trail and how to actually accomplish this feat.

It was a cold evening in December when I met M at the movie “Possession of Hannah Grace”. While chatting, about various things, slowly the topic changed to WCT hike and this time, I was more knowledgeable. I was able to talk about the trail. As M saw that I was quite serious about WCT, he right away said, I had to consider my health and my weight in particular, if I was seriously considering hiking WCT.

Well, I knew weight was an issue. Though I was doing a lot of hikes, WCT was another beast altogether and I knew that. I had to backpack and actually be able to carry a weight of about 22 kg and hike the terrain. I had already considered that, and still I wanted to do it.

When we met at a common friends house, the next time, before Christmas, WCT invariably came for discussion. I insisted on trying the trail in 2019. Out of nowhere, M challenged me to reduce my weight by about 10 kilos in three months. I accepted without thinking how I was going to do that. My only condition was that I would start in the New Year, as I didn’t want to lose out on eating sumptuous dinners during the holiday season.

Thus the Losing Game began.

After returning home, I started worrying about how I was going to achieve this, particularly with a very hectic schedule, that included travelling. I started Googling and reading a lot of materials. Most of them either talked about strenuous diets or exercises. There was no middle path. Every one of these dieticians was placing restrictions on a lot of food varieties. And me being a vegetarian was not being helpful at all. Adding on, when your staple food is rice, and to top it all, if you have allergies (for chlorine in water), you are literally dead.

So, how was I going to do it? I didn’t want special foods to be prepared at home for each meal, for myself, to cater to my diet. I wanted a more sustainable option. Something that I can follow for a long time, better yet make it my lifestyle.

During one of my researches, I stumbled upon a diet that seemed to be doable. It was not asking me to let go of most of the food items, but asked me to eat them all in the right proportion and only when hungry. Just had to avoid caffeine, deep-fried food, potatoes and sugar – cheating once in a while was allowed. The amount of exercise required was only about 30-45 minutes a day and that too, not vigorous ones. That seemed reasonable and I didn’t bother to check what diet this was.

On Jan 2nd I started this wonderful journey. Also, I started off with swimming in the evenings.

I had a cup of hot water with half a lemon – trying to fool my brain (in vain) that it was coffee.

With no coffee and very less carbs for 2 days, I had started having withdrawal symptoms. By the end of the second day, I had headaches and nausea. My body needed caffeine very badly. Like an addict, I smelt coffee to appease my brain cells. The third and fourth days were the worst. I was very irritable and my brain was not functioning properly. My brain said that I had to drink a large Starbucks mug of coffee and eat a large scoop of ice cream with potato fries.

However, I didn’t want to give up. I had to fight. I resisted. After all, at the end of it, this game was for my benefit.

Lo and behold, by the fifth day, I started seeing my weight decrease. The weighing machine showed a kilo less. That certainly was a huge motivation. By the time it was a week, I started getting used to no coffee and less carbs. From then on, I noticed that I was losing more than a kilo per week. I lost 4 kg by Jan 20. As a treat for myself, as a family we had a sumptuous meal at Saravanaa Bhavan (and I cheated).

What an awesome feeling it was to feel lighter! However, nobody (including my best half) actually noticed my weight loss, which was disheartening. I did not lose hope though, and comforted myself that people would start noticing soon.

Jan 21st, I hit the first obstacle.

to continue…

Tamizh 2.0: 15 I, Bharathi (சித்திரையில் பாரதியாம் எமது செய்தி)

I, Bharathi… Though it has been almost a century, since I shed my physical body, my sprit has been in this world, live though my works and the few that still believe in my dreams. Many things have changed in this world – too many wars and fights around the world that has strewn apart many lives; breaking up of empires; medical revolution, technological revolution and now the artificial intelligence. The world today is certainly not what it was a hundred years ago.

Today, in this month of Chithirai in the year Hevilimbi, I look back at these pages of history to see what happened to my dreams – alas, some are still mere, elusive. Particularly, my dream for women’s liberation and emancipation is still a dream.

As a proud feminist of my times, I have fought for the rights of women; for women to be able to stand up for her own self. I wanted women to have the freedom to study and be an equal to man, in every walk of life, at a time when male chauvinism was at its height. I imagined the modern woman to be the one that would walk upright with her head held high and with no fear of anyone; for she does not falter as she would possess great wisdom.

நிமிர்ந்த நன்னடை நேர்கொண்ட பார்வையும்,
நிலத்தில் யார்க்கும் அஞ்சாத நெறிகளும்,
திமிர்ந்த ஞானச் செருக்கும் இருப்பதால்
செம்மை மாதர் திறம்புவ தில்லையாம்;

Is today’s modern woman an epitome of this dream? Though there is progress, it is very disheartening to say NO, for most part of it. She is still objectified and considered a “product” for man’s amusement; the morals and ethics being constantly crumbled; strangling her without any physical wounds. I would say, the following about the plight of today’s women

கூனிக்குறுகிய நடை அச்சம் கொண்ட பார்வையும்
பற்பல இன்னல்களால் கொலையுறும் நெறிகளும்
திமிர்ந்த ஞானச் செருக்கை உடைப்பதால்
செம்மை மாதர் இன்றும் சோர்ந்து மாண்டனராம்;

In Panchali Sabadam, I described the plight of Draupadhi, when the son of Dharma, Yudhishtiran, used her as s pawn and lost her in a game of dice. How she was dragged by her hair by the villainous Duchasanan and brought to the majestic court of Hastinapuram. This was where she was disrobed, in the presence of elders and scholars; when all witnesses turned a blind eye. She lifted up her arms and cried out to Lord Krishna to help her. At least she had Lord Krishna to rescue her, from that humiliation. That was eons ago, in the era of Mahabharata.

It is unfortunate that even today many women are used as mere pawns for a man’s gain. Woman, who is considered “Shakthi”, is still crying out for help. And unfortunately, there is no Krishna to help her today. I am sad that the situation for women has not improved that much at all and she is still being an object of desire and sex, even though we are in the 21st Century. In fact, there are more demons that attack women young and old alike; they have not spared even little innocent girls, from their monstrous carnal desires; shattering many lives. How pathetic the situation is today!

I wanted everyone, particularly the women, to be free and feel no fear in whatever they do – face any adversity with her head held high. I wanted everyone’s slogan to be

அச்சமில்லை அச்சமில்லை அச்சமென்பதில்லையே.
உச்சிமீது வானிடிந்து வீழுகின்ற போதினும்,
அச்சமில்லை அச்சமில்லை அச்சமென்பதில்லையே.

However, today looking at this degraded society, I would say

அச்சமுண்டு அச்சமுண்டு துணிவெண்பது இல்லையே
இளம் தென்றல் வீசும்போதும், இலை கொடிகள் அசையும்போதும்
அச்சமுண்டு துணிவில்லை, அச்சம் மட்டும் உள்ளதே

Women, the Shakthi, one who brings this man to the world, is still crying out loud, running amok to protect herself from the ruthless world. In this struggle, so many of them are lost, no matter where in the world they are – the unfortunate, lost souls.

When will my Panchali rise again? To have her wow – to destroy all men that consider her, mere toy for all their pleasure; for she is not an object. She is full of life too! Though I wrote the following keeping in mind the independence of India, this seems to be very apt for today’s woman, for she is still bound in the shackles adorned by men.

என்று தணியும் இந்த சுதந்திர தாகம்?
என்று மடியும் எங்கள் அடிமையின் மோகம்?
என்றெமது அன்னை கை விலங்குகள் போகும்?
என்றெமது இன்னல்கள் தீர்ந்து பொய்யாகும்?

I asked for equality for all when I said there were no castes or creed to the little girl in “ஓடி விளையாடு பாப்பா”. In முரசு, I clearly stated that even if our colour differs, we are all still made of flesh and blood with emotions and feelings –

வண்ணங்கள் வேற்றுமைப் பட்டால்-அதில்
மானுடர் வேற்றுமை யில்லை,
எண்ணங்கள செய்கைக ளெல்லாம்-இங்கு
யாவர்க்கும் ஒன்றெனல் காணீர்.

This continues to be an evanescent dream, even though the world has shrunk today and has become a global village. Unfortunately, the division is still there, may be even more in the global village. Even in the developed nations I see this division, based on colour and the race and the undercurrents that play in each interaction.

Siva Shakthi, why did you create this beautiful world and throw in so much of evil? The Evil, in people, their minds and deeds. Why did you create me with the greatest emotional intelligence, made me fight for the betterment of woman and this community? I knew my thinking was way too ahead for my time. Even after a hundred years I can see that I am still way ahead in great thoughts, in today’s world.

நல்லதோர் வீணைசெய்தே-அதை
நலங்கெடப் புழுதியில் எறிவதுண்டோ?
சொல்லடி, சிவசக்தி;-எனைச்
சுடர்மிகும் அறிவுடன் படைத்துவிட்டாய்,
வல்லமை தாராயோ,-இந்த
மாநிலம் பயனுற வாழ்வதற்கே?

Did I ask a lot, more than what was needed in my Century or the centuries to come, when I asked for equality between men and women? In a country where woman is revered as goddesses, how come the common woman is mistreated? Even in the so-called developed nations, many women would vouch for the many times they have been objectified.

ஆணும் பெண்ணும் நிகரெனக் கொள்வதால்
அறிவி லோங்கி, இவ் வையம் தழைக்குமாம்;

Why is it difficult for a man to let a women be herself? Why does he always try to subdue her? Why isn’t the woman, the provider given her space and place? How come she is still left struggling? With the centuries changing, the challenges faced by women have actually not stopped; it has just taken another ugly form. When will all this alter and women be at par with men and treated with respect and dignity by one and all?

The developed nations, where women are considered to be equal with men and compete with them in the work force, it is sad that women are paid about 12% less than what a man is paid for the same job. Why is there this disparity?

In this 21st Century, Malala Yousezai from Pakistan is shot, all because she wanted to study. Shakila Zareen, the teen bride from Afghanistan, was shot by her husband in her face, just because (for no reason) he felt like. She escapes from her husband, goes into hiding in India and finally arrives in Canada to start a new life. These are the strong women, the new women, who have come out of adverse situations with their heads held high, and are now striving for the liberation of other women.

It is very disheartening to see the developed nations having women shelters that provide shelter and support for women that flee from domestic violence and abuse.

However, amidst all this commotion and violence, I do see the many unknown faces and hearts that cry out for these unfortunate women. People that welcome these souls with open hearts and arms. The people, both the feminist men and women that strive for the betterment of all women for they know that there can be redemption only if we started treating woman as an equal and with respect. Woman is the nature’s force of nourishment and is the preserver. She is the Shakthi, the power and wisdom, one who stand as a rock, a school to this mankind. In today’s world, she is the one with the highest emotional quotient.

அக்கினிக் குஞ்சொன்று கண்டேன்-அதை
அங்கொரு காட்டிலோர் பொந்திடை வைத்தேன்;
வெந்து தணிந்தது காடு;-தழல்
வீரத்தில் குஞ்சென்றும் மூப்பென்றும் உண்டோ?
தத்தரிகிட தத்ரிகிட தித்தோம்.i

These are the little sparks that can ignite an ocean of humanity. I now have hope that these sparks will change the world for women and thereby this humanity in the future.

உயிர்க ளிடத்தில்அன்பு வேணும்;-தெய்வம்
உண்மையென்று தானறிதல் வேணும்;
வயிர முடையநெஞ்சு வேணும்;-இது
வாழும் முறைமையடி பாப்பா!

Yes, that is what is need of the hour, today. We will need many such sparks to restore kindness and humanity. The little mercies that still happen everyday, is the living proof of those sparks. When we all unite and stand up for the RIGHT, Woman, as Goddess Durga, will rise and destroy all evil and restore peace. Woman, the epitome of patience and virtue!

My prayer of a century is still valid, in this Hevilimbi year; for, as humans, we still have a long way to go to attain world peace and prosperity, for the betterment of every little thing in this world leading to the progress of the wider environment and humanity!

மனதிலுறுதி வேண்டும்,
வாக்கினி லேயினிமை வேண்டும்;
நினைவு நல்லது வேண்டும்,
நெருங்கின பொருள் கைப்பட வேண்டும்;
கனவு மெய்ப்பட வேண்டும்,
கைவசமாவது விரைவில் வேண்டும்;
தனமும் இன்பமும் வேண்டும்,
தரணியிலே பெருமை வேண்டும்.
கண் திறந்திட வேண்டும்,
காரியத்தி லுறுதி வேண்டும்;
பெண் விடுதலை வேண்டும்,
பெரிய கடவுள் காக்க வேண்டும்,
மண் பயனுற வேண்டும்,
வானகமிங்கு தென்பட வேண்டும்;
உண்மை நின்றிட வேண்டும்.
ஓம் ஓம் ஓம் ஓம்

I, Bharathi…

Tamizh 2.0: 14 Science in Heritage (கன்னல் தமிழ் அறிவியல் காட்டுதா?)

The Tamil Heritage is deeply rooted in science. Superficially, the many things we are advised to follow looks deeply superstitious. However, when it is looked at in detail, we cannot ignore the scientific relevance and the science behind everything that was followed by our ancestors.

Everyone is expected to wear a mark on their forehead – men the holy ashes (திருநீறு) and the women red vermillion (குங்குமம்). Though in today’s world, this is considered as a cosmetic beautification for women and the men have ignored it completely, in the villages it is still required that people wash their faces at least two to three times a day and apply the “mark” on the forehead. We can see that this act is completely covered in the guise of religion. It is now confirmed that the forehead where the brows meet is the trigger location where many facial nerves intersect. Acupressure Theraphy has confirmed now that applying pressure in this area reduces occurrences of headaches.

Everyone is expected to wash their legs right outside the house when they came from outside. Though this looks silly, the very simple logic is that, of cleaning the germs away. Also, when you visit the house of someone where there is a death, you are advised to have a head bath, else you are told that death will follow you. This sounds crazy, but when you look at the deeper meaning, one can understand that the house of the dead is filled with invisible germs. And one would obviously carry it, with them when they visit their home to pay homage to the dead. Hence, the saying, death would follow you.

Another one that was my pet peeve as an adolescent was not to cut nails once it’s twilight and on certain days (Tuesday and Friday). Those were the days before electricity and people used the lanterns. Therefore, advising people to not cut nails once it is twilight makes sense as you do not want to hurt yourself while clipping the nails. And, I presume that our ancestors wanted to instil discipline and ergo the requirement to not cut nails on two days of the week.

We can give many such examples from the day to day lives that were seeped in wonderful science. I would like to quote the following to describe how our ancestors knew certain scientific principles long before they were discovered in the modern world.

The following lines are from Amudaambigai Pillai Tamizh (Usal Paruvam) by Sivagyana Munivar.

மகரக் குழைகளும் ஊசலாட
பங்கய மடமாதர் நோக்கி இருவேம்
ஆட்ட – அவ்வூசலில் பாய்ந்திலது
இவ்வூசல் என – நனி ஆட்டுதோறும்
நின்னகை நிலவெழிலுக்கு அவர் முகத்
திங்கள் சாய
(அமுதாம்பிகை பிள்ளைத்தமிழ் – ஊசல் பருவம்)

In the above lines Sivagyana Munivar is beautifully describing how Amudaambigai is swinging in a swing. He is explaining that as the length of the rope to which the swing (in which Amudaambigai was swinging) was tied was longer and hence moved slowly. However, as the length of the golden string in which her earring was attached was small, which made it to oscillate much faster.

This is nothing but the principle of Galileo’s Pendulum – A longer string will take a greater amount of time to complete one swing than a shorter string, irrespective of the mass tied to the string, as it has to travel a larger distance for the same angle of swing.

The following from the story of Kannappar strongly indicates organ donation. Kannappar was a devotee of Lord Siva. One day Kannappar notices blood in the eyes of the Siva Lingam. He tries to apply medicinal herbs for the blood to stop; but the bleeding doesn’t stop. Kannappar removes one of his eyes and places it on the bleeding eye and the blood stops.

இதற்கினி என்கண் அம்பால்
இடந்தப்பின் எந்தையார்கண்
அதற்கிது மருந்தாய்ப் புண்ணீர்
நிற்கவும் அடுக்கும் என்று
மதர்த்தெழும் உள்ளத்தோடு மகிழ்ந்துமுன்
இருந்து தங்கண்
முதற்சர மடுத்து வாங்கி முதல்வர்தங்
கண்ணில் அப்ப (பெ.பு.2)

Apart from these, there are many references to flying chariots (nothing but the modern day aeroplanes) in Ramayana, and also Silapadjigaram. There are references to cloning in Mahabharata – the birth of the 100 Kauravas. Gandhari the wife of Dritharashtra divides the embryo into a hundred portions and incubated them invitro in earthworm pots, from which the Kauravas were born. Looks like the people living in the Mahabharata era were well advanced as there are references to lovers being able to communicate live with video- equivalent to the modern day FaceTime, video call.

Thus, we can proudly say with confidence that our ancestors were highly evolved and made the best use of science and technology. They invented things based on scientific principles. And they had very advanced scientific gadgets. There are many, many more that we are yet to discover. Hopefully, one day the current civilization will evolve to that level of scientific development.

Tamizh 2.0: 12 Play: Nakkeerar meets Avvaiyar (ஓரங்க நாடகம்: நக்கீரரை சந்தித்த ஔவையார்)

Scene 1
Avvaiyar in her heavenly abode was wondering if her wise words were followed in today’s world, the 21st Century. Just then the heavenly sage Narada came in to visit her, to discuss if Avvaiyar’s Aathichoodi, the single verse with life lessons, needs to be modified to accommodate the world of iPad and soon to emerge Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Narada: Hello Avvaiyar, how are you today?
Avvaiyar: Hmmmm… I am ok
Narada: That doesn’t sound encouraging. Why is there a profound look on your face? What are you deeply thinking about?
Avvaiyar: Yes Narada, I have been wondering if my Aathichoodi is still followed by the people in the 21st Century, in this time and age of smart phones, iPad and AI!
Narada: Wow! That is an amazing coincidence. I was sent by Lord Vishnu to check if we need to make any modifications to your Aathichoodi, to suit the needs of this century. Let us see where this quest of ours’ will take us.

Right at that time, Nakkeerar floated by Avvaiyar’s abode. He seemed to be very furious and was cursing someone or something. Narada and Avvaiyar saw this, and…

Avvaiyar: Pulavar Nakkeerar, what happened? You are so furious. Have your forgotten my principle on anger – One should control Anger? ஆறுவது சினம்
Nakkeerar: I remember that Avvai, but the world today is a topsy-turvy. No body follows any rules, principles. Everyone is selfish and is willing to commit any crime. Humanity is dead as no body has the desire to do any good deed – அறம் செய விரும்பு. As I always say, no matter who it is, if anyone commits a crime (in language, words or deeds), we should punish one and all. They don’t deserve to live.
Avvaiyar: Calm down Nakkeerar! Please don’t use hurting words – சுளிக்கச் சொல்லேல்
Narada: Another coincidence today. Avvai and Nakkeerar let me swirl the globe to see where we will land today to get clarifications to all your questions. I am sure we will be able to find answers to your concerns. Please don’t lose hope – ஊக்கமது கைவிடேல். I’m sure we will eliminate ignorance – பேதைமை அகற்று.
Avvaiyar: Yes Narada, how much ever we think we are learned, there is always room for opportunity to improve oneself – கற்றது கைமண் அளவு, கல்லாதது உலகளவு.

Narada swirled the google globe that he carried in his iPad. It landed in Canada, to be more specific, Parliament Hill, Ottawa.

Scene 2
Narada quickly googled in his iPad, to get the vital stats for this country called Canada.

Narada: This country looks very interesting. This is the land of immigrants and google tells me that there are a number of Tamil speaking population. About 150,000 of them and they are now a visible minority in this country!
Avvaiyar: (very calmly) that is an impressive number!
Narada: Not only that. The Prime Minister of this country, Justin Trudeau announced the month of January as “Tamil Heritage Month”
Nakkeerar: That sounds even better! Long live my Tamizh, the oldest living language!
Narada: Let us get into their parliament to see what is happening. We might get evidence to see if we need to modify Avvai’s Aathichoodi.

And they entered the Parliament. Being the heavenly beings they are, of course they were all invisible. The topic of discussion at that time was the NAFTA agreement between Canada, US and Mexico. The president of the US, Trump wants to pull out. One of the ministers says Canada should severe all ties with the US and actually strengthen the armed forces of Canada, so that Canada can be on their own and fight back, if situation warrants.

Nakkeerar: Wow! That is the spirit. No matter who it is, squash the other country that is on the wrong. You should not allow any wrong to be done. People that are wrong should not be allowed to live.
Avvaiyar: Nakkeerar, please calm and do not forget righteousness – சீர்மை மறவேல் and do not speak abusive language நொய்ய உரையேல்
Narada: Oh! Listen to what that young leader has to say…
Avvaiyar: I’m pleased that there are a few that is following my principles – it is just a small world. Look at the way this charming young man is controlling the situation. The clarity with which he is speaking following what I have advised, Utter words with great clarity – மொழிவது அற மொழி. And he is so right to say, Do not deal with aggressive and stubborn people – மூர்க்கரோடு இணங்கேல்

Avvaiyar was awestruck. So was Nakkeerar. The topic in the parliament then moved to the recent gun violence in the neighbouring US and how there are no proper regulations there for owning a weapon. Once again it was very calmly handled in the parliament and it was decided that Canada would go over its policies and procedures on the Gun Licenses or for that matter, any weapon.

Nakkeerar: If the US is having problem with their Gun culture, why should Canada or Justin worry? It doesn’t make any sense.
Avvaiyar: Of course it does, Nakkeerar. Canada wants to Progress for a peaceful life – வீடு பெற நில். And they want to lead their life with exceptionally good qualities – உத்தமனாய் இரு
Nakkeerar: Avvai, you seem to see your Aathichoodi splattered everywhere and in everything you see.
Narada: Yes Avvai, looks like your Aathichoodi is still very valid, in the year 2018. In fact looks like it is followed in an alien country too, far away, miles apart from where it originated.
Avvaiyar: True Narada and Pulavar Nakkeerar. However, I did not see anything in my Tamizh in this country. Narada, I believe you said that there is a huge Tamil population in this country.
Narada: Give me a minute Avvai. Let me see what is available in my iPad.

Narada logged on to his Facebook account to see if he could get anything in Tamizh in Canada, for Avvaiyar. “Vancouver Tamil World” was he first hit with over 2000 members. He quickly sent in a request to become a member. Lo and behold, Narada’s request was accepted by one of the wonderful admins of VTW.

Scene 3
When Narada entered VTW

Narada: Avvai! Avvai, come here! Come here!
Avvaiyar: What happened? You are acting like a kid, so excited
Nakkeerar: Narada, remember Avvai’s words, Tell exactly what you saw – கண்டொன்று சொல்லேல்
Narada: Sure, I will speak clearly with no mistakes – பிழைபடச் சொல்லேல். This is certainly a group that is following the principles of Avvaiyar. I am surprised by the good things they have done in the recent past.
Avvaiyar: Narada, show me what is there in Tamizh first.
Narada: Wow! Tamizh 2.0 is a contest that is going on now. There are many wonderful writers that show case their talents to the wonderful judge, Mr Rathanaswami! He has inspired people that cannot write in Tamizh to write about Tamizh in the language they are comfortable with. Surprisingly, people are listening to his words of wisdom – மேன்மக்கள் சொல் கேள்
Nakkeerar: Aha! That would spread the pride of MY Tamizh into other communities too.
Avvaiyar: And allow people to live with a sense of unity amongst them – ஊருடன் கூடி வாழ்
Nakkeerar: And they are striving to eliminate ignorance – பேதைமை அகற்று, by conducting and encouraging a number of activities.
Narada: They are currently having a display of various arts. What a great way to spread and share knowledge – கைவினை கரவேல்
Avvaiyar: They are also good with charity (தானமது விரும்பு), just as the country they are living in – and does not stop charity (ஈவது விலக்கேல்). They collected funds to help the poor girl who met with an accident and died in their adopted country.
Narada: I feel ecstatic to see that they are always ready to help each other இயல்வது கரவேல்.
Nakkeerar: It is really overwhelming to learn about this group. And they just don’t stop learning from each other – எண் எழுத்து இகழேல், ஓதுவது ஒழியேல்.
Avvaiyar: I am so happy that we stumbled upon this group today. What a wonderful group that lives by the rules of their adopted country (சக்கர நெறி நில்; நாடு ஒப்பன செய்). Though they have adopted their new country – தேசத்தோடு ஒட்டி வாழ், they have not forgotten the past antiquities (தொன்மை மறவேல்). God bless these people with more prosperity and happiness!
Narada: Avvai, Are you also happy that, your Aathichoodi doesn’t require any updates?
Avvaiyar: Of course yes. Pulavar Nakkeerar, do you see that the world is not that bad and that there are good people everywhere, restoring Humanity time and again?
Nakkeerar: Yes Avvai, I do agree that there are many people here in this earth, who speak nicely – ஞயம்பட உரை, seeking help from great and wise people – பெரியாரைத் துணைக் கொள்

Scene 4
In this happy moment, Narada noticed that Avvaiyar‘s face was sad. He saw that her eyebrows raised and there were the lines of concern on her forehead.

Narada: I see lines of concern in your face. What happened Avvai?
Nakkeerar: Yes Avvai, looks like you are worried about something, when you should be happy. May we know what is bothering you?
Avvaiyar: You both picked it right. Narada, you brought us to this wonderful country called Canada, where we were given the glimpse of how our Tamizh is preserved, culture is revered and my Aathichoodi has found relevance. Though the second generation kids are having difficulty In reading and writing Tamizh, certainly all efforts are made to ensure that they all understand and speak Tamizh. This certainly has given me the comfort that my Tamizh will live for another few thousands of years. However, I was wondering about the situation in Tamil Nadu, the birthplace of this language and the literature!
Narada: Is that it Avvai? Why don’t we travel there and find it out for ourselves. Nakkeerar, do you want to join us?
Nakkeerar: Sure, why not?
Narada: Are you all ready?

And Narada swirled the google globe that he carried, in his iPad…

The End

Tamizh 2.0: 09 Beauty in Deceit (ஏமாறுவதும் ஏமாற்றுவதும் ஐதா)

I always feel happy. You know why?
Because I don’t expect anything from anyone.
Expectations always hurt.
Life is short; so love your life.
– William Shakespeare

Man is the only animal that kills for fancy! Not just for food… So, he is not ashamed to cheat someone for his own gains. This being said as the vices of human, man is also the only animal with the sixth sense – a sense to feel for others, restoring humanity. These are such stark contrasting qualities that define a human.

What is cheating and deceit?
Cheating: (verb) act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination
Deceit: (noun) the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth

When someone is being cheated it can also mean that they are being disappointed in someone or a situation – this could range from a simple dislike in a situation to being adulterous. Telling white lies to benefit someone is also a form of cheating and deceit. However, “white-lies usually have a positive outcome.

I have known Amit for quite sometime. Amit is a gem of a person that I respect a lot. Unfortunately, a few years ago, he was in a wrong marriage. His then wife broke the relation and moved on to fulfill her desires, after living with him for a year. Amit was so disappointed. He was very sad and he shared his unfortunate story to Rahul at his workplace, that he considered a friend, that he could confide in. In a social event that I attended, Rahul was having a ball of time making fun of Amit and how his wife dumped him. I was very certain that Rahul was adding colour to the story. I was very naive then and very disappointed in both Rahul (for this behaviour) and Amit (for having trusted Rahul and opening himself bare and being vulnerable to insults). When I had a chance I did have a chat with Amit regarding the incident and without naming anyone (as a did not want to spoil their relation, if any). The answer that Amit gave me is still very clear in my minds eye.

Amit told me, when someone lays himself bare trusting another person, it is his choice and that he would have to live by the consequences of that other person breaching that trust. There is always a price to pay. Amit then asked me, when a person has opened up to someone why is there an expectation that that person will not breach that trust? He explained that, if this expectation were not built, there would be no feeling of being cheated or of disappointment. How true is this statement. In all our relations, when we open up to someone, it is our choice and therefore we have to bear the burden of that cross. We cannot shirk away from our responsibility.

The other incident that happened to Karan was another eye opener for me. Karan lived in a condo with a roommate (Arjun). As Arjun was having financial difficulties Karan took care of the rental and living expenses. Arjun thanked Karan for helping out with his living expenses and promised that he would return the money he owed Karan as soon as he was able to find a stable job. As Arjun was s good friend, Karan was fine with the arrangement. Arjun found himself a decent job, but was not mentioning about repayment. When Karan asked about the funds, it was always the same answer “I will give you”. And one day, Arjun decided to move on his own, to another condo. Karan was in limbo, as Arjun did not settle the money he owed Karan. When Karan questioned, Arjun advised, “When it comes to money, you should part with only that portion of the funds that you are okay to lose. And not get yourself into a situation where you keep troubling others”.

As Karan was a good friend of mine, he was asking me for an advice on how to proceed in this situation. I said that the advice he got was absolutely right, as he should have stopped funding Arjun at an earlier stage when it was still okay to be at a loss. But now, he had to go along with Arjun and recover the funds slowly, if and when possible. It did take Karan a while to recover the funds. Though Karan was not cheated (per se), the mental stress that he had to undergo was enormous.

With the grey hairs and more maturity, I am able to analyze these two seemingly unconnected situations and see that the underlying fact holds good to both. If there was no “expectation” there was no “deceit”.

The fundamental cause of all miseries one has to face due to deceit is because of the fact that there is expectation. I would challenge everyone to have a self-reflection on situations where they have been cheated. One would realize that there was some expectation in all those situations. This could also be turned around and looked at from the point of view of the person cheating or is presumed (to be cheating). Once again, it is the expectation that does not match which causes all troubles – there is no proper communication between the parties or setting up of any expectation.

I am sure everyone would face this in all walks of life, including the work place. When the expectations do not match there is conflict; or in other words when the expectations are “nullified” there is no conflict.

In cases of white lies, there is no expectation between the parties. Or, maybe we can say that there is a faint expectation of a positive outcome, which certainly has a constructive overall effect.

Similarly, when you help someone for the sake of Humanity, there is no expectation whatsoever amongst all parties. That is certainly the reason why being Humane ranks high when it comes to satisfaction.

Returning to the original question, “Is there Beauty in Deceit?”, we can confidently say “YES” – there can be Beauty in Deceit when there is no “expectation” (the root cause of all despairs) and LIFE for one and all, will brim with positivity!

Peace begins when expectations end – Sri Chinmoy

Tamizh 2.0: 08 Zenith (எவரது வாழ்விலும் ஏற்றமாவது…)

What is considered as reaching the pinnacle, the zenith in ones life? What is happiness and success? These simple questions are the most intriguing ones, which trouble both the philosophers and the common man alike, with no right or wrong answers. Because, all these are in ones’ point of view and it is very dynamic.

Not only the point of view keeps changing, but also, the wants and needs and thereby, what is true one moment need not be at the next. Human, is that animal which is very difficult to satisfy. He is always in search for betterment. A person that is hungry searches for food. Once the hunger is satiated, he wants to have some money for the next meal, once he gets some, he wants more, then a good life, then some jewelry (materials), then a small hut for himself, that grows to a small house and then to a bungalow, then an even better life for the next generation, then, then, then… leading him deeper into the vicious circle. Is there an end to this?

As a poet once said, in this journey of life, the hungry searches for food; the unemployed for some employment, even a thief looked for an opportunity for a bigger heist. There is this continuous search in life, a search for the betterment. It is this search that ensures that Life Flows and not Stagnates. However, when this search breaks its banks, man becomes lost in this circle.

Why does man go on this search for betterment? If it is to gain happiness, what is happiness? If it is success, what is success? These questions will once again lead us into the same vicious circle and back to square one. There seems to be no end to this, in the materialistic world. To break away from this materialistic circle of life, one needs to look inwards. Then, they would realize that, as said in Bhagavad Gita, success and happiness is very ephemeral and is nothing but an illusion, a Maya.

I’m reminded of the story of the last wishes of Alexander the Great. On his death bed, Alexander summoned his army generals and told them his three ultimate wishes:

  1. The best doctors should carry his coffin… to demonstrate that in the face of death, even the best doctors in the world have no power to heal…
  2. The wealth he has accumulated (money, gold, precious stones) should be scattered along the procession to the cemetery… so that everybody sees that material wealth acquired on this earth, will stay on earth and it could not give him a new lease of life…
  3. His hands should be let loose, so they hang outside the coffin for all to see.. so that people understand that we come to this world empty handed and we leave this world empty handed after the most precious treasure of all is exhausted, and that is TIME, as it is limited.

When we give someone our time, we actually give a portion of our life that we will never take back.

One of the things that have helped me better myself (not achieve the zenith, as that is an never ending journey) is meditation. Meditation has helped with understanding that all are equal and attain balance and a higher level of tolerance.

As what Antoine de St Éxupery, says in his masterpiece “The Little Prince”,

  • The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.
  • It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

In conclusion, we can clearly see that success and happiness lies in the present, the innumerable precious moments that makes this journey called life, wonderful. I can very convincingly say:

  • Happiness is when you are able to help another living being – doesn’t have to stop with just humans. The magnitude of help is always measured from the point of view of the recipient. What might be immaterial for one, might be Godly for another, at which point they would reach the Zenith
  • When your heart cries out for someone that is no way related to you, when you heart longs for peace for everyone, at that point you reach the Zenith.
  • When you stand up for someone when there is injustice, no matter who they are or what heir beliefs are, you reach the Zenith.
  • When you receive the blessing from unknown people, you reach the Zenith.
  • When every single person, starts treating every other person and each situation with a touch of Humanity, we can proudly say, we have reached the Zenith.